"Remember Alf? He's back, in Pog form!"
The seventh season of the Simpsons saw Matt Groening's prime time, brilliantly hilarious animated series not missing a single step. As this season opens, we learn who shot Mr. Burns (and honestly, who didn't see it coming?), and everything from that point forward is nothing but memorable, whimsical, and often insane humor that only the Simpsons could bring. Also in this season, Hollywood comes to Springfield to film a Radioactive Man movie, and Millhouse ends up getting cast as sidekick Fallout Boy ("Radioactive Man"), Homer and Marge get accused of being negligent parents and Bart, Lisa, and Maggie get sent to live with the Flanders' ("Home Sweet Home-Dum-Diddly Doodly"), Bart sells his soul for five dollars ("Bart Sells His Soul"), Lisa becomes a vegetarian after attending a petting zoo ("Lisa the Vegetarian", which also features Paul and the late Linda McCartney as themselves), Homer becomes morbidly obese so he doesn't have to go to work ("King-Size Homer"), Homer is re-united...
It's What's Inside The Head That Counts
To start, season 7 of the Simpsons is available in two different packaging options. One is the Marge head, which is along the lines of the Homer shaped head packaging of the last set, and the other is the box form which is supposed to be along the lines of the previous five seasons. At first I had planned to buy the box form set, but after a friend purchased it before me, he clearly informed me to beware. The box form packaging of season 7 is exactly like the alternate packaging for season 6; it's simply a slip cover for what was inside the Homer head. Upon hearing this I decided to simply pick up the Marge head. While I wasn't crazy about the Homer head, I didn't mind it, and actually preferred it to the slip cover. Whether you buy the Marge head or go with the Slip cover casing, one thing is certain: What's inside the head is the good stuff.
Seasons 4-8 were arguably when the Simpsons hit their stride. While I'm still fond of season 3 as well, it's hard to argue against...
Still Prime Episodes
At long last another Simpsons season finally released by the good people at Fox. This time Fox is introducing both the plastic Marge head as well as the classic cardboard box so as to please both sides of the table. Good call fox.
Season seven is still when the Simpsons ruled the Sunday line-up, with each episode being just as great as the previous one. There are many classics on this set. I urge you to run out and buy it. Below is a summary of all the episodes:
Disc 1
Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part 2) (4/5): Find out who shot Mr. Burns in the Season 6 finale. (Look to the South West)
Radioactive Man (4/5): Milhouse beats out Bart for the part of Fallout Boy.
Bart Sells His Soul (4/5): Bart sells his soul to Milhouse.
Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodly (5/5): Bart, Lisa and Maggie are sent to live at the Flanders after Homer and Marge are thought to be unfit. Ned and Maude try to baptize the three kids.
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