I didn't WANT to see this movie...
To be honest with you all, I really was not interested in seeing this movie, but my sister and my girlfriend dragged me to it. I really thought it would be a much better time for them to bond without me, but well, they disagreed and so I went. Cut to the actual film...
I laughed so hard there were actual tears running down my cheeks. I fully expected this to be a chick flick but it surpassed that title 100%. Yes, there was definitely some chick flickittude to it, but overwhelmingly it was a fantastic comedy that went over the top a little but more than made up for it the rest of the time. Truly an amazingly pleasant surprise.
"You're no longer my number three!"
Here, I'll say it, BRIDESMAIDS is better than THE HANGOVER. The tipping point is that BRIDESMAIDS comes with a core of emotional truth whereas if you lift that sense of mystery from THE HANGOVER, what's left is a series of skits. BRIDESMAIDS comes with more heart. It passes the smell test, demonstrates staying power. Odds are, it won't be long before other films are being lauded as "the next BRIDESMAIDS." And, based on that comparison, I might check out that other film, too.
Our self-destructive lead character Annie (Kristen Wiig) is informed that "hitting bottom is a good thing," but I think we all know that's a bunch of baloney, a heap of hooey. Character building can go fudge itself if it means one has to go thru what Annie does just to learn valuable life lessons. Annie's had a bad time of it. Her bakery shop went south. Her boyfriend is this self-absorbed, belittling, non-committing assclown. She rooms with an odd and portly British brother and sister whose presence,...
I laughed so much my cheeks were hurting
Oh...my...goodness...this movie was the funniest thing I've seen IN the theater in a long time. I usually wait for movies to come out on DVD, but this looked pretty interesting, and I wasn't disappointed. It was hilarious!
Finally, a film that shows women are funny too. Kristen Wiggs is stellar, her character is so messed up, but you know there is hope for her. I was sort of expecting a rom-com, but no, this was Sex in the City meets the Hangover. There is a part where they're going to Vegas, but don't quit make it, I would of LOVED to see them all go to Vegas. I don't think that place would be the same.
I highly recommend this movie to anyone looking for entertainment that just makes you laugh. And do keep an eye on the actress playing Megan, she is hysterical. I've seen her in other movies, as a supporting character looking completely different and much more subdued; in bridesmaids she is unfiltered and funny as hell!
Go see this movie, you'll be glad you did.
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