Warehouse 13 Ups the Ante
Warehouse 13 is fast becoming one of the most intriguing science fiction shows on television and one of the most fun to watch. The steampunk artifacts of the warehouse were and are fun, but now the ante has been raised with consequences for the characters based on their choices. Artie and Claudia are on the front lines of these new choices as both have "used an artifact to set things right". In Artie's case, the entire world and in Claudia's case her own part of the world. And the viewer knows that both will be made to pay double for trying to avert a tragedy. Watching this happen and the choices that may make them better or worse as people is riveting viewing. Highly recommended sci-fi show that is maturing before our very eyes. I look forward to a stunning season.
Great New Season
A lot of series end a season with a dramatic cliffhanger, then resolve it too quickly and easily in the new season premiere. I remember old Saturday morning serials where we see the hero fall off a cliff, but when we come back next week, it was really a steep incline and he rolls to safety. Not the case here. The Warehouse team had to work hard to restore things, and there were sacrifices and consequences. It took them two episodes to recover, and there are still consequences showing up in this third episode. I won't go into any more detail because I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't watched yet. There are teasers that other characters are sensing the secrecy, so hopefully that arc won't be dragged out too long. The characters are still themselves, despite the guilt and the dark secrets some of them are bearing. Pete is as funny and boyish as ever, Claudia as sarcastic, Artie as irrascible and dedicated, and Myka - well, she's grown; she no longer only puts up with...
If you've SEEN this show then you have seen a family that work --- and occasionally play --- together.
There's something for everybody in this series. Don't know WHY it's not on Blu-ray, but the DVDs, through
a Blu-ray player, upscales QUITE nicely. The special effects are top notch, along with writing and acting.
I was more specific about what I like about this show with the previous season. Only one word for THE series:
PLEASE support the show... all the SciFi shows that
like usually get cancelled before season 5!
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