A Completely Fresh Type of Movie
First things first, it was Not a cut and paste of the books.
It was as funny, as innovative, as lovable, as heartfelt, and as humble as the books.
My favorite part of the books though, was that they were just really fun. I felt a smile on my face while I read it.
The movie version doesn't lose that.
Some characters are far gayer (weird, I expected to see a red line under that word), and some characters are far less.
Some lost face time and others gained, but I can't think of a single Book-to-Movie edit that was a bad call. (considering they had to cut about 75% of all character development/back stories)
It feels inappropriate to use the same old words and phrases to praise a movie that was slathered with completely new things I've never seen in a movie or script. I owe Edgar Wright and Brian Lee O'Malley an attempt though...
-Any one scene from this movie could be viral on YouTube on its own.
-My 'Love the Movie' to 'Hate the...
A Weirdly Appealling Mishmash
I'd never heard of this movie or the book that it was apparently based on, but watched it last night. This movies is a weirdly appealing mishmash of twenty-something angst, a comic book plot, videogame fight sequences and hard-driving punk rock. It's also one of the funniest movies I've ever seen with a huge number of laugh out loud sequences and dialog, example:
Scott, picking up a guitar: "I wrote a song about you."
(plays a tender, haunting song mostly repeating the name Ramona)
Ramona, after song ends: "That was nice, let me know when you've finished it."
Shot of Scott looking perplexed.
Ramona: "Back then I was bi-curious."
Female Evil-ex: "Now I'm BI-FURIOUS!"
I'm not going to get into the plot of the movie, which is mostly irrelevant anyway. This film is just an escapist roller coaster. Forget about anything making sense and enjoy the ride. It's a blast.
Best Comic Movie Ever
NOTE: This is just reviewing the theatrical release, not the DVD or Blu-ray.
It was with very little fanfare that I went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World on opening night. The ads were never really appealing to me and I felt like Michael Cera was being typecast so I figured this movie would be a flop. Still, there was enough positive buzz that I agreed to come along when a friend wanted to go and I'm floored at how opposite of a reaction I had to this film. Not only is it probably the biggest surprises of my life as far as movies go (not plot-wise, just in my feelings about it), but it's hands down one of the most fun experiences I've ever had in a movie theater.
The plot of Scott Pilgrim is pretty much exactly what you'd expect from the trailers: Michael Cera is Scott Pilgrim, who has fallen in love with a very alluring girl who, as it so happens, has 7 evil exes who have banded together to ensure that no one dates her if they can't. You really have to go...
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